Tuesday, August 18, 2009

What is the Probiotic Enthusiast Diet?

We've all heard that becoming a probiotic enthusiast is healthy. It's true. Eating a probiotic enthusiast diet often minimizes human exposure to diseases that are typically animal-borne. These origin of these diseases are not totally pinpointed, but the elimination of animal byproducts from one's diet means both the known and unknown animal illnesses are avoided. Believe it or not, some people suffer so readily from animal-borne illness that the U.S. has documented more than 100 cases of death.

Aside from avoiding disease, becoming a probiotic enthusiast will also mean that you're not eating an overabundance of synthetic chemicals. In fact, switching to a probiotic enthusiast diet has been shown to lower cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure levels, reduce the risk factors for heart disease and obesity, and actually help to significantly increase the life expectancy rate of its practitioners.
Aside from the fact that you’ll be improving major health factors, eating a probiotic enthusiast diet is also proven to help us lose weight, avoid disease, lower cholesterol and are triglycerides, as well as a host of other health problem. Eating probiotic enthusiast will also provide you with the peace of mind that ensures you're doing the best you can to make your part of the planet a little greener.
It is important to note that eating probiotic enthusiast does not necessarily mean eating well. It is possible to eat a poor probiotic enthusiast diet. On the vast benefits of a probiotic enthusiast diet are scientifically proven, but it’s also very easy for those individuals who have turned to the probiotic enthusiast lifestyle to suffer from a variety of nutritional voids, and even become overweight.
The good news is this, if you're eating a proper probiotic enthusiast diet, you'll be eating food that contain all the vitamins and nutrients your body needs to thrive. A body that’s properly nourished heals faster. In fact, if you injure yourself, and you're eating a proper probiotic enthusiast diet, your rate of healing will increase dramatically.
While becoming a probiotic enthusiast means you’ll face a few sacrifices down the road, the rewards far outweigh the detriments. Take some time to study the probiotic enthusiast lifestyle and to look for retailers who supply probiotic enthusiast products.

Do Yourself a Favor - Get Healthy Now

Whole foods, organic and natural vitamins, along with dietary supplements and herbal therapeutics offered by some of the top nutritional companies can be found online. This makes living a healthier life very convenient and easy. Shipping to certain overseas address, even military address are possible so regardless of you location the whole foods and dietary supplements are available to you.

Because modern diets do not include the nutrition necessary to maintain optimal health, supplements derived from the fermentation of whole foods are a great option to boost immunity, enhance body function and restore health. Avoiding processed foods and getting regular exercise also are essential components to living a healthy lifestyle. That is why the advice available through Christine’s Cleanse Corner stresses the importance of making changes at all levels in your life to achieve true happiness and well being. The inclusion of the proper allocations of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fiber, enzymes, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other micronutrients—including phytonutrients or phytochemicals—can make all the difference. If you sign up for one of Christine’s newsletters and read through her books on probiotics, you, too, can be armed with the ammunition you need to change your life in a positive way.
Foods that are minimally processed and do not contain ingredients like refined sugars or flour, sweeteners, milled grains, flavorings or hydrogenated oils are considered natural foods. Now, this may sound like a tasteless diet -- however, you can enjoy replacing these items with raw honey, agave syrups, and maple syrup, which add a wonderful flavor to your foods. You can even continue using salt in your diet by replacing table salt with sea salt.
You don't have to settle for feeling sluggish or being overweight. In fact, the right combination of supplement, diet, and exercise can almost guarantee that you'll be looking and feeling your absolute best in record time. You don’t have to spend fortunes to feel better -- the natural plan is always best. Spend some time researching natural whole foods and organic supplements. Do yourself and your family a favor and do your best to get healthy today.

World Wide Phenomenon

Probiotic health proponents have started organic farms in the distant lands of Costa Rica in an effort to save some of the endangered species of probiotic, naturally healthy foods, that assist digestion in a microbiotic way. If these foods were to stop being produced, then the food system of America would suffer. Going to Costa Rica, where the climate supports growth of healthy whole foods that are not typically grown in the United States anymore, is one way the probiotic health movement is supporting humanity as a whole. Organic farms are rare and with that, some of the foods we have used in the past are no longer grown because they won’t grow unless they are altered or sprayed with chemicals.

Much of the foods that naturally grew and were known to be healthy are diminishing from our planet. Peoples of the Amazon and India share that they have to walk much further then they did in the past to find the foods they have come to instinctually know as the ‘good’ foods that aid in optimum health. The farms created in Costa Rica are now sanctuaries where the good food can be grown and the growing can be sustained.
The organic farms in far off lands, where the climate is conducive to good growth of healthy crops of organic food will ensure that 10 to 20 years down the road, we will still have non-processed, non-chemically altered food for consumption. The botanical gardens are an asylum for medicinal food production. They are the Noah’s Ark of healthy foods in our world, preserving foods that are endangered and providing for the continued use of healthy foods in our diets for years to come.
So, as you research probiotic health as a whole, you will find that the people involved with the probiotic movement believe they are making a major human contribution as they work on the cellular level and the bio-chemical level through the creation of supplements that help the body work in an organic way to remove toxins from the body.

The Word is Getting Out!

If you’ve been following our posts, then you know how often we sing the praises of whole food vitamins and natural supplements. As such, we thought you might find it interesting to know that we’re not alone! We’ve been reviewing articles and testimonials from other whole food enthusiasts and have decided that you don’t have to take our word for it…you can take theirs too! Below you will find an excerpt from an article written by a naturalist that promotes the use of whole food vitamins for health!

Many people live a hectic lifestyle and do not have time for a healthy and balanced diet. Processed foods fail to ensure the daily ratio of vitamins necessary for keeping healthy. Given the highly polluted environment we live in and all the unhealthy food we consume, an organic whole food supplement can significantly improve our state of health.

Increase your organic whole food vitamin supplement intake:

In modern society, very few people follow a correct diet and have 6-8 servings of whole food, such as grains, seeds, nuts and vegetables, every day. It seems like the current trend is consuming processed food and taking synthetic vitamins to supplement your diet. However, this is not the best way to ensure a balanced diet and it can even have bad long-term effects on your health.

You could increase your daily intake of organic whole food vitamin supplement instead. Eating vitamin and mineral-rich food, such as nuts, whole grains and seeds are a good way of completing your diet with natural vitamins.
Most vitamin supplements you can purchase today are made from synthetic ingredients. These are chemical substances which have been produced in laboratories to fake the molecular structure of natural vitamins.

Your body is built to absorb nutritional substances from food. Therefore, most health care professionals recommend an organic whole food vitamin supplement and taking your daily vitamins from whole food, not synthetics supplements.
The Benefits of Organic Whole Food Vitamin Supplements:
· Organic whole food vitamin supplements have no synthetic or isolate ingredients.
· They contain only complete whole food vitamins.
· These supplements do not have any sea shell, rock or coral derived minerals.
· Organic whole food vitamin supplements include homeopathic minerals.
· They increase the intake of whole foods, such as seeds, nuts and grains
· They do not include any chemical, additive or synthetic ingredients.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Be a Cancer-Fighting Power House

We've talked a lot about the probiotic lifestyle and what it can mean for your health. But in an effort to promote cancer awareness, we've decided to concentrate on the bit on how probiotic supplementation can help your immune system not only fight off cancer, but prevent you from suffering from this illness to begin with.

Your body is like a machine. Fueling your body with inadequate fuel can promote the development and growth of cancer cells. However, treating your body like a finely tuned instrument's can help it run smoothly. This is especially true for the function of your immune system.
Whether you're suffering from a bacterial infection or from, you guessed it, an invasion of cancer cells, your immune system will go into overdrive fighting often unwanted visitors. Unfortunately, what many people don't understand is that cancer cells exist in most all of us. The difference is, in some people cancer cells do not metastasize.
What is it about these people that helps them remain immune to the metastasis of cancer cells that is not present in people suffering from the disease? Under some circumstances, people suffering from cancer have in some way neglected to care for a physiological system that is vital for preventing and fighting cancer.
Probiotics and whole food supplements are designed to naturally provide the immune system with the components that it needs to fight off cancer cells effectively. In fact, getting your body the fuel it needs to fight cancer will also help prevent the metastasis of future cancer.
You don't have to settle for a cancer diagnosis and rely solely on radiation and chemo treatments if you have already been diagnosed with the disease. Believe it or not, it is possible to eradicate cancer through natural healthy methods that are both safe and effective.
Remember, there’s no better time than now for doing something good for yourself and your body. Consider looking into the benefits of probiotics and whole food vitamins for yourself. We can guarantee that embarking on a supplementation program will be just what the doctor ordered in terms of your health.

Power Your House with Natural Powerhouses!

We’ve spent months discussing the benefits of whole food vitamins and probiotics. But did you know that these dynamic components are beneficial not only in vitamin form, but also as topical? It’s true, natural vitamins can be ingested or applied topically! Not only that, but these natural powerhouses have been proven to help aid in the fight against cancer! Read on to learn a little more about the benefits of whole food vitamins, natural topical, and probiotic supplements!

All natural vitamins and organic foods and supplements will provide you with solutions to cancer prevention, weight loss, skin care, and even the natural energy boost we’re all searching for; natural energy, after all, is not harmful to the body nor will it increase the heart rate in a dangerous way.
All natural means nature made, and as our bodies were intended to function naturally, avoiding synthetic chemicals is ideal for optimal health. Because the human body is a natural machine, it stands to reason that the components we fill it with should be natural as well. Manufactured isolated vitamins will never be considered as good as their natural whole counterparts. As a result of this, many Americans have turned to the utilization of whole food vitamins for their health and well-being.
Cooking with organic foods and a ingesting an adequate amount of natural vitamins and supplements will also give you an edge on the cold and flu season (especially helpful as we head back to school)… shopping online will allow for the inspection of natural cold and flu remedies. But the buck doesn’t stop there! Using the right online retailer will also allow you to explore the great big world of minerals and vitamins proven to fight off disease and maintain a healthy body!
Save your money and stop throwing it away on inferior synthetic over the counter vitamins and cold remedies. Instead consider researching and purchasing all natural vitamins and foods that are guaranteed beneficial to you and your family’s health!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Head Into the School Year Strong!

Well, now that school is starting and we’ll be on the run again, it’s time to start thinking about the avoidance of convenience foods and the consumption of foods and vitamins that will keep us going through school, tests, sports, extracurricular activities, not to mention work and family life! Whether you’re a busy parent or an exuberant high school student, embracing proper nutrition will help keep you going through everything the world throws at you!

Common sense lends itself to the fact that not all calories are created equal. When you eat junky, processed foods, the
calories you consume are of low quality. That means that while they do provide the cells of your body with a food source, that food source is often full of carcinogens or sugars that will deplete quickly. Your cells work more efficiently on good nutrition. So, when somebody says “empty calories,” they are more accurately referring to calories that don’t do your body a whole lot of good.

You’ve probably also heard people mention that cooking food ruins its nutritional content. Well, that’s not entirely true. Cooking food can lower the content and potency of certain vitamins and minerals (especially enzymes), but it won’t ruin your food. Some people can’t fathom the idea of eating 100% raw fruits and vegetables all the time. The good news is, you don’t have to. While eating raw, organic nutrition is wonderful for your overall health, if you happen to cook those organic carrots, you’ll still reap some awesome health benefits. The
Vitamin Code raw multivitamins provide a healthy way to give your body raw, whole food nutrition that provides 100% active ingredients, while maintaining more of a traditional or cooked diet.

Is organic food really better? What about processed food and preservatives? They’re everywhere! How can we combat the intake of these foods when we can’t help it? Many people ask the question, “is organic really better?” and the answer is a resounding YES. Organic food is better for you because when you eat
organic, you’re not ingesting any of the dyes, pesticides, and other chemicals that most of our food is treated with. These manmade chemicals feed your cells with material that is not designed to be used as food. Regular intake of these chemicals has been proven as the source for a great many diseases and cancers.

Nutrition from
whole food vitamins and supplements provide the most complete sources of vitamins and minerals. They also contain important nutritional cofactors and mircronutrients that are missing from isolated vitamin formulas made in a lab. Because whole food vitamin supplements are made from whole food, the body recognizes them as food — so they are absorbed and utilized better by the body. Eating as close to nature as possible, from the Garden of Life, ensures that we are getting the best nutrition possible, instead of ingesting empty calories that may actually deplete valuable nutritional resources from our bodies.

Stay Strong and Healthy by Eating Strong and Healthy

We all have improvements we wish to make with our bodies, but what about your body on the inside? Improving your body inside will help improve your body overall. What you choose to eat plays a major role in not only your bodily functions but your appearance as well, not to mention improving your body will give you the energy you have been missing. Whole foods are the perfect way to ensure the food you are putting into your body is healthy and will benefit you in many ways.

Whole foods not only aid in the well being of your body but also help keep the immune system resilient from disease. Studies have been done that proven that show a diet of healthy
foods such as fruits, whole grains, and vegetables help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, as well as many forms of cancer, and some whole foods are even antioxidants that protect your cells from damage – this includes all your cells, from brains cells to skin cells.

With your wide range of skin care products available on the market today it can be difficult to determine which product will best suit your needs as well as increase your skin's natural beauties. Most of the products today contain artificial chemicals and many harmful ingredients. With your choice of all natural and organic skin care products you no longer have to worry with the harmful ingredients you may find in your typical skin care products. Since your skin is so vital to your health and your
body, shouldn’t you take care of it the best way possible? With the all natural skin care products you have to choose from you can protect your skin at a very reasonable price.

There is no need to deprive yourself of the foods you love in order to achieve a
healthier body. With whole foods you can choose from fruits like blue berries, strawberries, black berries, apples, bananas and a host of others that will aid in keeping your urinary tract free of bacteria will also help lower your cholesterol and diminish the risks of certain cancers. And don’t forget your veggies! Just like your mom used to say, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, bell peppers, green beans, and onion are just a few of the veggies that will help you grow strong and healthy!