Friday, November 14, 2008

Living Vitamins - Two Compelling Testimonies

We’ve all heard about the dramatic health benefits associated with organic whole foods, living whole food vitamins, and other natural nutrition sources. However, most of us have never had the opportunity to witness the tangible benefits of such a lifestyle. Below you will read about two individuals who are reaping the benefits and singing the praises of living vitamin supplements.

Meet Roseanne. Roseanne is a typical busy woman, but within past few years she had begun to suffer from severe mood swings and depression as a result of dramatically fluctuating hormones (this phenomenon is not at all uncommon and plagues many women, ages 18 and up, as hormones shift and sway throughout each month). Roseanne also suffered from severe PMS (pre-menstrual syndrome) that made life miserable. At times she became so depressed that she lost her will to leave her home and she had zero desire to socialize with other people. Finally, she heard about the benefits of natural progesterone cream and living whole food vitamins and began to search for something that might help her. After only six weeks, Roseanne noticed a dramatic difference in her mood, she began to think more clearly, her bouts of anger had disappeared, and she no longer had cramping associated with PMS. Within three months, Roseanne’s hormone levels had completely regulated and she finally started living. She readily credits her dramatic turnaround to her living whole food vitamin supplements and natural progesterone creame and she’s living proof of how natural remedies and whole food nutrition can improve quality of life.

Next meet Rich. At 58 years old, Rich felt run down and fatigued. He was depressed and suffered from impotency. Once he’d reached the end of his rope, Rich read about a raw, whole food multivitamin supplement called Vitamin Code and elected to add it to his daily routine. Within six weeks, Rich noticed a dramatic improvement in his mood and his energy levels. He became active again and felt younger than he had in years. And what’s more, Rich was no longer suffering from impotence. He credits his new life to his living whole food supplements and continues taking it every day.

If you’re suffering and you’ve tried other treatments, other vitamins, other diets, even prescription medications, only to find that nothing works -- consider finding a living whole food multivitamin supplement that will suit your lifestyle. Try it for two months and take note of any changes in the way you feel, and even in the way you look. You’ll find that, after a few short weeks, you’ll be joining the masses of people singing the praises associated with adding a living whole food vitamin supplement to their daily routine.

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