Saturday, December 27, 2008

A Better Vitamin in Vitamin Code

Have you been taking vitamins for a long time trying to improve your health and the way you feel overall? Do you realize the majority of the vitamins you purchase at your local drug store or grocery store are full of harmful pesticides and other man made isolated ingredients? You can change all that today with a few simply clicks of you computer and be on the way to accomplishing becoming a healthier person with organic, raw, whole food, natural vitamins.

Garden of Life offers a variety of natural, whole food vitamins to fit all age groups and gender’s vitamin needs. Among these selections you will find Vitamin Code raw, vegan, whole food supplements which includes the following specialty formulas: Vitamin Code for Women, Vitamin Code 50 and Wiser Women, as well as Vitamin Code for Men, and Vitamin Code 50 and Wiser Men, also Vitamin Code Family, and Vitamin Code Perfect Weight.

By choosing Garden of Life's Vitamin Code raw vitamins you are going to enjoy the benefits that come with vitamins that are uncooked, untreated, and are naturally made - not factory made. Vitamin Code raw, whole food vitamins provide a great source of live enzymes and probiotics as well as 100% active ingredients with no binders or fillers. These vitamins are gluten free and dairy free with no soy allergens. Along with all these benefits you will also discover they are individually nutrient created for maximum potency and nutrient specified peptides for cellular delivery. Vitamin Code raw multivitamins reaches the highest quality standards to preserve raw nutrients and have dual process cultivations for the creation of a wide selection of vitamins and mineral co factors. These selections of multivitamins are RAW living nutrients as nature intended for our bodies.

Did you realize that by eating foods that are uncooked, untreated, and not processed artificially by man, you are eating foods that nature intended and the way your body is designed to function? Raw foods provide us with a complete package of vitamins and minerals needed for our bodies to reach its maximum nutrient potential possible. Our body's are able to assimilate these raw food nutrients easier because the body recognizes them as foods and they provide all the enzymes and nutrients needed for proper absorption and utilization.

Garden of Life provides you with several specifically targeted formulas of Vitamin Code multivitamins that are specially created to provide you with a raw food created vitamin for your specific needs. Until now there have not been options available to you for raw, whole food multivitamins, so take advantage of this new health possibility and enjoy the ease of ordering your products online, at affordable prices, without having to leave the privacy of your own home.

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