Friday, March 20, 2009

Keep Those Teeth Healthy

Here's something you may never have considered; probiotics can play a major role in good oral health. Just like brushing your teeth, probiotics can be essential for maintaining healthy teeth. The benefits of probiotics have been catapulted into mainstream media in the past several months. The reason for this incredible growth in popularity is because the benefits of probiotic ingestion has started to become more mainstream. Recent clinical studies have proven that the ingestion of regular probiotics can help to lessen and prevent most common oral and dental diseases.

Why do most important dental diseases that probiotics can help to benefit is the development of dental caries or cavities. Cavities are formed when bacteria eats into the enamel. As the bacteria continues to progress, the tooth will become more sensitive, discolored, and much weaker. If you're constantly noticing your teeth are often sensitive, you should consider a regular probiotic supplement as a way to help combat your problem.

Another common oral disease that may be preventable and treatable through the use of probiotic supplements is periodontal disease. Periodontal disease is an inflammation of the gum tissue. Gum tissue helps to support the teeth and hold them into place. But periodontal disease does not affect just the gums. In fact, periodontal disease can affect the exterior roots of your teeth (or rather, the outer layer of your teeth roots), as well as the bone that anchors your teeth into place. The bacteria causes inflammation of the gums. The most common cause of this bacteria is poor oral hygiene. Streptococcus bacteria that live within the plaque on the teeth can infect the gums causing pockets, pain, loose teeth, bleeding gums, and bone recession. Some people even form abscesses or lose their teeth altogether. Believe it or not, the regular ingestion of probiotic culture can help to inhibit the growth of the Streptococcus bacteria that causes periodontal disease to develop in the first place.

And finally, likely the most prevalent problem caused by oral bacteria is halitosis. Halitosis is better known as bad breath. As we all know, having bad breath is a major social faux pas. Not only that, having bad breath can be an indication of a more troubling problem. Eighty to 90% of the causes for halitosis originate in the mouth. That means, a bacterial buildup or bacterial disorder on the back of the tongue, or elsewhere in the mouth, produce foul odors. It is commonly believed that the back of the tongue of the most prevalent source of halitosis. Research indicates that the administration of probiotic supplement surprises the buildup of overproducing bacteria, thereby resulting in a decrease in number of smelly gases that arise into the mouth. With a decrease in number of smelly gases, probiotic enthusiasts have fewer instances of bad breath.

If your internal health and well-being isn’t enough to put you on a probiotic supplement routine, perhaps the idea of eliminating your bad breath, protect yourself from cavities and other oral diseases, and perhaps saving your teeth will be enough to pique your interest in probiotic vitamins.

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