Our poor old bones … they are one of the most ignored parts of our bodies, after our spleens and medulla oblongatas! The terrible thing about that ignorance is, though, that in later life your mobility and capability is enormously reduced, if you might shatter a hip simply by steeping down off something the wrong way. Today we are looking at some groups that are at increased risk of bone diseases, and the organic vitaminsthey should be taking to offset that risk.

- Athletes
Crazy, isn’t it … we are told that exercise is needed for peak bone mass, and yet athletes are at increased risk of osteoporosis! Before you throw your gym shoes in the corner in disgust at medical science's ineptitude, read on. It is only when people undertake elite level competition, during the main bone formation years up to 25 that they are at increased risk. When female athletes stop menstruating, that is a strong signal they are at risk of early osteoporosis. Organic vitamins can help. - Breast cancer survivors
Chemotherapy often destroys the ovaries' ability to produce and release eggs, and the resulting hormonal changes are a great danger to the health of breast cancer survivor's bones. - Early onset menopause
Every post-menopausal woman is at increased risk of osteoporosis, and needs to take special care of her bones, usually with gentle weight bearing exercise and whole food multivitamins. Early menopausal women may still be working, carrying children around, etc, and are at risk of fractures. - Eating disorders
When adolescents develop eating disorders, they have severely impacted peak bone mass, due to the malnutrition. - Elderly women
The combined action of menopause's hormonal changes, lack of ability to exercise and lowered appetite make elderly women prime candidates for osteoporosis. - Corticosteriod therapy patients
It is a well know n side effect of medications for asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, and some skin conditions that bone density loss can occur. - Over and Underactive thyroid
If you have an over or underactive thyroid, in addition to whole food multivitamins for glandular support, you should be taking a bone strength formulation.
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