There is a lot of information available to the average you and the average me nowadays about what to eat. Kid's sugar-laden morning snacks are actually advertised as health food, the internet has a hundred different opinions on a single health subject, and while some people say you should never eat meat, others say that it's all you should eat. Today we look at some great, overall rules to remember to create a wonderfully healthy body for yourself. These mostly go back to the whole food supplement ideal - keep it as close to nature as possible.
You should eat…
· Anything that your great-grandmother would have been able to recognize and name: In many cases, new food is not good food. We don't eat liver or brains regularly anymore, we eat cereal bars and soy hot dogs … and we get cancer. This also includes margarine!
· Check the ingredient list: If there are ingredients in the list that have names that you can't pronounce, don't recognize, or have more than 5 words in them, keep these foods to an absolute minimum. There's no point in getting the highest quality natural Garden of Life vitamins if you end up putting poison over the top of them. The same applies for high fructose corn syrup.
· Does your food tell you that it is healthy? If it does, then it is probably one of the least healthy foods in the supermarket. Apples don't come with health claims, neither do carrots. Foods that are truly healthy won’t usually try to convince you to buy them for their healthy benefits. Of course, the rules vary for health supplements like goat protein powder, etc.
· Eat plants, leaves more than seeds: Bread is made from the seeds of a plant. However, when we look at bread in nutritional terms, it just doesn’t have the same value that spinach does. The same goes for potato chips! Potatoes might be a plant, and they might be cooked in 'vegetable oil' … but the only person you’re cheating if you call chips a vegetable is yourself.
· Eat until you're not hungry - not until you’re full: If you eat until your are full, you've overeaten. Remember that your satiety response takes a while to kick in.
· Be a fringe-dweller: That is, stick around the edges of the supermarket, where all the fresh food is kept.
· Have real meals and revel in your food: Being 'mindfully aware' of the process of eating is a key step in preventing overeating.
Very useful suggestions on what should eat. There is no doubt that your diet plays an important role in your overall health. Proper diet with green leafy vegetables, nuts, dried fruits and fruits would definitely help.
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A helpful tips regarding to health.I am also looking for some tips and suggestion.Proper diet is essential for a good health.A good food would definitely help to secure best health.
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