Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Probiotically Active

Probiotics are live bacteria or yeasts that are healthy for a host organism. That sounds frightening, but the truth is, we all have bacteria and yeast in our bodies. It is not scary or bad, but necessary for good health and vitality.

The key to being healthy could be summed up in one word, balance. With the right of probiotics in the body many of the body systems will function at the optimum rate on their own accord without the need for the use of pharmaceutical drugs.

You may be wondering how to get these bacteria and yeasts in your body. The good news is that these bacteria are naturally occurring in the body and come from the foods we eat. The positive effects of these bacteria are that they help to keep our body systems clean by assisting the body’s natural process of breaking down and converting sugars, carbohydrates, and lactose into lactic acid. 

When there is enough probiotic activity in the body, these bacteria and yeasts act as little workers in our system. They eat the toxins and allow the natural systems in our body to function in a most favorable and efficient way.

Have you ever noticed after a trip to the doctor’s office and a prescribed course of antibiotics how your system is often times compromised? As a woman it is much easier to notice because the antibiotics will actually kill the good bacteria in their systems so other problems begin to manifest. If the bacteria that keep the system balanced are killed, then other yeasts and body functions change. In women, it is not uncommon to get a yeast infection after a course of antibiotics. The death of the bacteria that eat the yeast die and then women get too much yeast and often times get what is called a yeast infection.

Imagine that you are in a small spacecraft, traveling in a human body, checking out the work that is going on inside the
intestines. With a proper probiotic system as you flow through the intestines in your craft, you will see the bacteria breaking food down into little parts allowing for the nutrients to leach into the body. When you take the same trip into the body that has had antibiotics, all the little bacteria are dead. They aren’t working and the nutrients needed by the body aren’t going in the body, the food and the waste is piling up. 

The bottom line is that the proper balance of probiotics in the body system will allow for proper functioning of the body. So, the key is to learn more about the foods and supplements that will aid in optimum probiotic health.

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