Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Nourish Your Body the Healthy Way
With Vitamin Code Multivitamins you receive an uncooked and untreated product, live enzymes and probiotics as well as all 100% active ingredients. Vitamin Code Multivitamins contain no binders or fillers, no soy allergens and are gluten- as well as dairy-free. These vitamins meet the highest quality to preserve the raw nutrients as well as individual nutrient creations for the best possible potency. Vitamin Code Multivitamins are dual process cultivated to provide a wide variety of vitamin and mineral co factors and are RAW living nutrients the way nature intended.
Vitamin code can be purchased for a variety of needs such as Vitamin Code for Women, Vitamin Code for 50 and Wiser Women, as well as Vitamin Code for Men and Vitamin Code for 50 and Wiser Men. You will find a vitamin that fits your family’s needs with the purchase of Vitamin Code for Family as well as a weight control vitamin in Vitamin code for Perfect Weight. Now, there is even a vitamin for your children if your desire is to start them on the road to a healthier life.
Until Vitamin Code there were very few options offered for those who wished to improve their health and body with a raw living multivitamin. Since Vitamin Code was established it has been proven to be the first multivitamin developed to offer nutrients in a raw food created manner. The two concepts in “Code” is the process of actually growing each vitamin and mineral in Vitamin Code and what is accomplished during this process. Basically it is about breaking the code and Code Factors.
With the wonderful benefits proven from taking Vitamin Code Multivitamins you cannot afford to continue taking the “other” natural vitamin. These various Vitamin Code Multivitamins can be purchased on line at a very affordable price and the benefits are well worth every penny. Start living a healthier life today by investing in these Multivitamins.
FYI on Probiotics
Probiotics are a dietary supplement and micro organism that contain bacteria or yeasts that are beneficial to your health. Probiotic bacterial cultures have been needed to assist your body’s already naturally occurring ecology of microbes and gut flora to re establish. These microorganisms provide close to the same healthy benefits that bacteria already living in your body. Thus probiotics assist with your digestion and they help to protect you from harmful bacteria.
If you are not a vitamin person you can find probiotics in foods such as yogurt, either fermented or unfermented milk, misco, as well as some juices and some soy drinks. These foods that contain probiotics or supplements that contain probiotics have been known to help treat and prevent illnesses such as treating diarrhea, preventing and treating vaginal yeast infections along with urinary tract infections. Products containing probiotics also treat irritable bowel syndrome, reducing the recurrence of bladder cancer, as well as shorten intestinal infections. You will also find probiotics will prevent and treat inflammation that usually occurs after colon surgery and will prevent eczema in children. Some studies even show that probiotics will strengthen your immune system so you can overcome allergies, excessive alcohol consumption, lower stress, as well as many other diseases.
The list of companies and health food organizations that carry products containing probiotics are endless and the availability as simple as locating a reputable company to do business with then deciding which needs you wish to fulfill or which disease or health matter you wish to cure or overcome. The varieties of foods that contain probiotics make this an easy to come by and easy to intake microorganism and supplement.
Keep in mind there are numerous products that you will encounter that claim to be just as beneficial as probiotics, however once you do the research on both and compare the facts you will find that there is nothing comparable to probiotics. The affordable price you will pay along with the benefits will allow you to see healthy results in your body or disease for a lifetime. Stop wasting time and money on products that only claim to cure or reduce health problems and start with a supplement that will actually benefit your health. Why risk the chance of finding a relief to your health situation when your solution is right before you.
A Healthier You for the New Year
The way you eat plays a major role in your immune system, which protects your body from various illnesses and allows you to maintain a healthy, full-of-energy lifestyle. Depending on your food choices will depend on your physical as well as mental health. Stress contributes to your health in a surprising way. High stress levels as well as lack of the required amount of rest can run your immune system down which in turn will cause you to be more susceptible to the common cold or even a more serious health problem.
Now you can live the life your neighbor, friend, or relative is living with the wide range of wonderful information on whole foods, natural multivitamins, water purification systems, incredible ways to rid your body of the dangerous toxins, and a start on the road to a healthier, stress reduces, happy life. Feel energized throughout your day by putting natural foods and other products into your body instead of a “quick” harmful fix. Have you ever reached the point of being so tired yet having several tasks at hand? If so you have probably also experience a quick fix such as a caffeine rush, well with a healthily all natural diet in your life you can experience the energy like that of a caffeine high just without the low that follows shortly after. Imagine a life full of energy and wellness with a healthy immune system and the proper nutrients along with a wonderful exercise program you can have the life you have been striving for now and for years to come.
Allow yourself, your children, family and friends the experience of a healthy happy life with your choices in your life. Change the way you live, your diet, and your surroundings and you will see positive improvements in your everyday life. With the endless amounts of information on line as well as books available to purchase and testimonies to read how can you let a healthy life pass you by? Invest today in whole foods and natural organic products from a reputable, knowledgeable site and start truly living today!
Natural Foods and Your Body
It has been argued that refined ingredients lead to heart disease, certain cancers, and diabetes as well as contributing to obesity, which is a rising concern in America today among adults as well as our children. Avoiding artificial products and processed foods like refined sugar and white flour can aid in reducing this nationwide concerns.
You will find that some companies will claim to sell health food and organic products; however this may not be true in the whole meaning of the words natural foods. Therefore, it is very important you research and purchase natural foods and products as well as books from a reputable company rather on line or in your local city. While committing to leading a healthier life and eating healthier the way nature intended and our bodies are designed you must stay informed of the true natural foods as opposed to foods and products that only claim to be organic.
Whereas before you had limited choices in companies to purchase natural foods and products from, today your choices are endless. Grocery stores, restaurants, and even cookbooks take advantage of natural food ingredients and encourage the use of natural foods in your regular diet. You can find various natural foods and other organic products such as vitamins and minerals along with natural drinks as you local natural food stores, many food cooperatives, and whole food markets either on line or in your city.
Put an end to obesity in yourself and possibly your child by changing your diet as much as replacing all your foods with natural foods or just starting with the items you use to season your foods. By changing your eating habits and those of our children we will be contributing not only to a healthier life for ourselves and our children but for our nation as well.
Installing water purifications systems in your home you can ensure you are removing all the harmful and dangerous minerals along with the unhealthily amount of chlorine in your regular tap water. If you prefer to purchase bottled water over installing a water purification system is sure to research the company selling the product as well as the location your water has been taken. There are various differences and effects in certain bottled water as well as miss leading facts on certain bottles of water.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Why are Whole Food Vitamins Better?
You see, man-made supplementation will never quite be "up to snuff" when compared to the whole food supplements. The reason for this is the fact that manufacturers of organic whole food supplements can use organic whole food and extract only the most beneficial nutrients and then place the nutrients into pill form to be consumed for the maximization of optimum health. Because man-made vitamins have to go through countless chemical processes in order to be absorbed by the human body, the level of concentration in nutrient value found in these vitamins is far inferior to the nutrient levels found in the whole food alternative.
Nutrient content is the most important reason to consume a whole food vitamin. After all, when you consume a vitamin in any form, your ultimate goal is to improve and "supplement" inadequacies in your own diet. If your vitamin supplement does not give your body the added boost you're looking for after consumption, you're wasting your time and your money by consuming that particular brand.
If you’re like most Americans, you don’t spend too much time selecting foods that will benefit your bodily function. Most of us are so busy that we regularly consume empty calories, saturated fats, and refined sugars at every meal. Unfortunately, we don realize how much we’re cheating ourselves by missing out on vital nutrition. We can’t understand why we are lethargic and fatigued, or why we spend much of our time recovering from sickness. The fact of the matter is that we are deficient in the nutrition that our bodies need to function properly.
Don't waste your time, your money, or risk your health with the utilization and intake of inferior vitamin supplements. If simply incorporating a whole food vitamin into your daily routine can improve your health and provide your body with optimum nutrient levels, why would you choose to do anything else?
Economics and Your Health
Unfortunately, this plan can backfire in terms of weight gain, reduced health, and overall feelings of lethargy and fatigue. The good news is that you don't have to sacrifice cost to receive optimum nutrition. All you need to do is select your whole food vitamin retailer, utilizing some strict criteria.
First of all, choose a whole food retailer that will provide supplements through e-commerce. Shopping for your whole food vitamins online from an online retailer can ensure that you pay wholesale prices for that which you would normally pay retail cost. It's also important to choose your whole food vitamin retailer after having reviewed their track record with prior clientele. Make sure that the products you purchase are 100% verifiable, and nutritionally beneficial.
You will also find that the purchase of specific whole food vitamins can make a difference when it comes to both your health and your pocketbook. Because whole food vitamins are not isolated compounds, a smaller amount can provide users with maximum return. A short list of vitamins that are derived from whole food products and can provide you with optimum health at minimum calls are be pollen (bee pollen is a very popular whole food supplement proven to increase energy and vitality, promote longevity, prevent infection, promote fertility, reduce depression and fatigue, improve cholesterol levels, prevent the development of cancer cells, help to regulate the function of the intestine, and even help alleviate menstrual cramps (among a host of other benefits)).
Two other whole food supplements proven to show dramatic health benefits at a fraction of the cost of standard whole food, or manufactured vitamins, are alfalfa and chlorella. Both of these vitamins have been proven to improve cellular function, prevent toxin buildup in the body, and boost the electrolyte levels of the body. Because both alfalfa and chlorella contain a high concentration of body benefiting vitamins and minerals, the combination of alfalfa, chlorella, and bee pollen is a powerful whole food combination that costs mere pennies on the dollar.
Don't sacrifice your health to save a dollar. Spending a little time in research of the best whole food vitamins that can be purchased for relatively low cost will ensure that you'll be doing your part to maintain economic stability, while also ensuring you live the life of optimum health and wellness.
A Healthy Life is a Happy Life
If you answered yes to any or all of the questions then your solution is here. Natural and whole foods will improve your heath and provide you with more energy to complete your daily routine without feeling rundown. Taking vitamins and supplements with organically grown ingredients offers you optimal health.
Is your water healthy? There are ways to determine the quality of your water as well as a solution that will provide you with healthy water. Instead of taking the chance on your city or well water, you have the option to purchase a purifier for your water to ensure a healthier drink with every glass of water you have.
Even if you are tired of the weight you gained, there are natural ways to a skinnier you. With numerous on line options you can start immedialty with a program that will help you lose weight naturally and effectively.
You have access to testimonies, articles, even videos of people who made the choice you are about to making in taking an effective step toward a healthier, happier life. There are even books available that will provide you with information on weight loss, healing yourself naturally, oils and minerals for your skin, spices and wonder drugs, even how to restore your digestive system. If you enjoy cooking and desire healthier recipes you can find books on organic cooking, cleansing your body recipes, and various other cookbooks.
Another important health issue is your skin; however, your skin is usually over looked in the process of creating a healthier you. There are numerous all natural and organic skin care products to choose from. For example, you have different flavored cleaners and mists to choose from such as apple and cranberry, or unscented if you prefer. Are you in need of eye cream or renewal cream? Those items are available in different flavors as well. You can choose from flavors such as peach, different varieties of vanilla, and other different fruit mixtures for your lip care.
Best of all is the products are all natural and the price is very reasonable. Any of your organic or natural health needs can be found in the privacy of your home on your computer. The road to a healthier you and a happier life is just a few clicks away.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
A Better Vitamin in Vitamin Code
Garden of Life offers a variety of natural, whole food vitamins to fit all age groups and gender’s vitamin needs. Among these selections you will find Vitamin Code raw, vegan, whole food supplements which includes the following specialty formulas: Vitamin Code for Women, Vitamin Code 50 and Wiser Women, as well as Vitamin Code for Men, and Vitamin Code 50 and Wiser Men, also Vitamin Code Family, and Vitamin Code Perfect Weight.
By choosing Garden of Life's Vitamin Code raw vitamins you are going to enjoy the benefits that come with vitamins that are uncooked, untreated, and are naturally made - not factory made. Vitamin Code raw, whole food vitamins provide a great source of live enzymes and probiotics as well as 100% active ingredients with no binders or fillers. These vitamins are gluten free and dairy free with no soy allergens. Along with all these benefits you will also discover they are individually nutrient created for maximum potency and nutrient specified peptides for cellular delivery. Vitamin Code raw multivitamins reaches the highest quality standards to preserve raw nutrients and have dual process cultivations for the creation of a wide selection of vitamins and mineral co factors. These selections of multivitamins are RAW living nutrients as nature intended for our bodies.
Did you realize that by eating foods that are uncooked, untreated, and not processed artificially by man, you are eating foods that nature intended and the way your body is designed to function? Raw foods provide us with a complete package of vitamins and minerals needed for our bodies to reach its maximum nutrient potential possible. Our body's are able to assimilate these raw food nutrients easier because the body recognizes them as foods and they provide all the enzymes and nutrients needed for proper absorption and utilization.
Garden of Life provides you with several specifically targeted formulas of Vitamin Code multivitamins that are specially created to provide you with a raw food created vitamin for your specific needs. Until now there have not been options available to you for raw, whole food multivitamins, so take advantage of this new health possibility and enjoy the ease of ordering your products online, at affordable prices, without having to leave the privacy of your own home.
Begin a New Chapter of Health in Your Life
The choice is simply with New Chapter. You have a wide range of organic, whole-food vitamins and whole-food nutritional products to choose from along with the information needed in becoming familiar with organic, whole-food eating habits. Among the items you have to choose from you will find whole and organic food products including herbal therapeutics and vitamins and supplements that are all completely natural and made with 100% natural foods and herbs. The vitamins and supplements offered by New Chapter are cultured and are considered both food and supplements.
You will not find products that are made with chemical isolates or solvents and all the vitamins offered are cultured for improved absorption by your body. The vitamins and supplements purchased through New Chapter will give your body all the mineral supplementation that is required and the best sources of herbs and nutrient dense foods along with unique food cultured supplements.
All the whole food vitamins and whole food supplements you need are available online for all different ages, body requirements, and genders. Start your children living a healthy long life by adding these wonderful products to their diets. You can form habits in your children that will last a life time and extend the life of them as well. New Chapter offers a great tasting, whole food multivitamin for children called Every Kid. EveryKid multivitamins are kid's powder pouches made with organic ingredients, so it's nutrition just as nature intended. Plus, unlike most children's multivitamins, Every Kid is not a synthetic chemical isolate. It's cultured, whole-food complexed nutrition in two great tasting varieties Brilliant Berries and Awesome Apple.
New Chapter offers you not only organic, whole food supplements but also provides a wide range of specialty health formulas including: bone health with Bone Strength Take Care, prostate health with Prostate 5LX, Zyflamend for inflammation and many more targeted health formulas. Several men’s whole food vitamins and numerous women’s whole food vitamins are offered through New Chapter. You will find stress support vitamins, prenatal vitamins, and even only one “daily” whole food vitamins.
No need to stop there you have at your disposal a variety of probiotics including All-Flora powder and veg caps, as well as anti aging assistance, immune system support, sensitive colon support, and a wide variety of herbal therapeutics. Visit New Chapter products online for a variety of organic and herbal needs all at very affordable prices.
On Your Way to a Healthier Life
Mt. Capra is the leader in natural, pesticide free, hormone and antibiotic free, herbicide free goat products that are found on their own farm located in Washington State. Among all the goat products offered to you by Mt. Capra you will find the most popular to be Mt. Capra's Mineral Goat Whey. Mineral Goat Whey promotes pH balance to your body along with providing natural minerals such as electrolyte minerals. Some of the other products available through Mt. Capra are goat colostrum, goat protein powder, even goat probiotics, as well as a several available choices of whole food, natural supplements.
Goat whey is a popular mineral enriched, dry natural food powder that comes from dehydrated goat's milk whey. It provides your body with the minerals you require to maintain healthy bodily functions. The convenience of goat whey mineral powder includes the fact that it can be mixed in with a cup of warm water, vegetable juice or even taken in the recommended amount by spoon; this is possible because of its mild and pleasant taste. Some of the more popular ways and most effective ways to take Mt. Capra goat whey are at mealtimes sprinkled over your salad or vegetables or main meals, added to soups, sauces, or gravies and even your favorite salad dressing. Do you enjoy a hot breakfast every morning? Well you can add the wonderful benefits of Mt. Capra goat whey to your diet by sprinkling the recommended amount into your favorite hot breakfast meal. If you are not a fan of hot breakfasts or choose other items for your breakfast menu, no problem, Mt. Capra goat whey can even be added to beverages or smoothies.
It has even been reported by Mt. Capra goat whey users that have experienced occasional digestive problems including acid reflux or heartburn, after regular use of the mineral whey, their problems have been corrected. This is made possible because the acidity in the digestive system is neutralized by organic calcium, magnesium, and sodium that are all found in Mt. Capra goat whey powder. It helps to balance pH levels in the body.
Start today feeling the best you can and living a healthier life with the convenient online ordering process of Mt. Capra goat whey and the other wonderful products they offer. Don’t leave out family and friends, you will also find informative nutrition articles and a free, online health and nutrition newsletter available. The best part is you will begin your way to a healthier life at an affordable price.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Healthier Eating Habits
The last time you picked up a can of vegetables at your local grocery store or a box of rice, perhaps the casserole you made for dinner last night was full of artificial fertilizers and food additives. Even the meat you purchase from your local grocer and possibly from you butcher is full of growth hormones and routine antibiotics. This is the food you are putting into your body and you may not be aware of the ingredients.
Organic food and organic supplements on the other hand are free from conventional pesticides and artificial fertilizers as well as being free from human contamination and industrial waste. Organic products are also free of GMO (genetically modified organisms). GMO strains make it difficult to know what is actually in your food. In your research of organic foods you will find the majority of it is processed in heavily monitored industries. You will also find where before organic food was only available in small stores or a local farmers market it can now be found in your common grocery store chains as well as online.
Ordering organic food and organic vitamins online can be both convenient and very affordable. The selection of organic foods to choose from online may outweigh what is offered in the grocery store. Also you will be able to research the company or family owned business you wish to purchase your organic food and supplements.
With the studies done that have proven the effects and side effects on farmers from these pesticides, even air borne contact, why would you choose to consciously put these into your body? By eating organic foods you are guaranteed the freedom from these pesticides and artificial fertilizers found in other foods. You can live a healthier, happier life once you choose to purchase organic foods. Some studies have proven there are higher nutrient levels in organic fruits and vegetables.
Rest assured the organic farming standards prohibit the use of synthetic pesticides and artificial fertilizers. Organic food and organic, whole food vitamin supplements like Garden of Life or New Chapter will give you the healthier way of eating that you have long desired to have. When you give your child his or her next organically grown banana or spoonfull of organic carrots you can be sure there are no artificial dangerous chemicals going into your child’s body.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Are You Malnourished?
You see, the body is designed to absorb the nutrient content of the food we eat. Science has proven that the human body most successfully operates when fueled by pure, organic, whole foods and whole food vitamin supplements. However, most of us are stuck eating the standard American diet. The standard American diet is full of preservatives, saturated fats, dyes, additives, and other ingredients that provide us with little or no nutritional benefit. In fact, studies indicate that individuals who eat only a standard American diet are deficient in a wide variety of vitamins and minerals that the body needs to function properly. In fact, being deficient in these areas is a major contributor to life-threatening diseases. Individuals who are deficient on vital nutrients are more susceptible to the attack of immune deficient disorders that allow for the onset of cancers, diabetes, heart disease, and other chronic conditions.
It may seem as though the health professionals are harping on you about the food that you eat. The sad fact of the matter is that most of the foods we eat as an American culture are designed to do only one thing only -- and that one thing is taste good. The better food tastes, the more we purchase, the more we purchase the more we pay, which translates into more money for manufacturers. And while the primary purpose of food in our life should be to nourish our bodies, we’ve become a culture people who "want it our way, right away." While this is not necessarily a bad thing, it does leave ample room for dietary mishap. So if you're concerned about the current state of your health, and you know that you're not eating as adequately as you should be, consider beginning a regimen of whole food vitamin intake.
Whole food vitamins are vitamins that are derived directly from -- you guessed it -- whole foods. The very same whole foods that health professionals recommend we consume on a daily basis can be manufactured in the form of a vitamin. This means no synthetic additives, no seashells or rock additives that are unusable by the human body, and no man-made chemicals that only seek to damage cell function. Try a whole food vitamin regimen for a mere three weeks and we can guarantee you'll recognize a beneficial difference in the way you both look and feel.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Living Vitamins - Two Compelling Testimonies
We’ve all heard about the dramatic health benefits associated with organic whole foods, living whole food vitamins, and other natural nutrition sources. However, most of us have never had the opportunity to witness the tangible benefits of such a lifestyle. Below you will read about two individuals who are reaping the benefits and singing the praises of living vitamin supplements.
Meet Roseanne. Roseanne is a typical busy woman, but within past few years she had begun to suffer from severe mood swings and depression as a result of dramatically fluctuating hormones (this phenomenon is not at all uncommon and plagues many women, ages 18 and up, as hormones shift and sway throughout each month). Roseanne also suffered from severe PMS (pre-menstrual syndrome) that made life miserable. At times she became so depressed that she lost her will to leave her home and she had zero desire to socialize with other people. Finally, she heard about the benefits of natural progesterone cream and living whole food vitamins and began to search for something that might help her. After only six weeks, Roseanne noticed a dramatic difference in her mood, she began to think more clearly, her bouts of anger had disappeared, and she no longer had cramping associated with PMS. Within three months, Roseanne’s hormone levels had completely regulated and she finally started living. She readily credits her dramatic turnaround to her living whole food vitamin supplements and natural progesterone creame and she’s living proof of how natural remedies and whole food nutrition can improve quality of life.
Next meet Rich. At 58 years old, Rich felt run down and fatigued. He was depressed and suffered from impotency. Once he’d reached the end of his rope, Rich read about a raw, whole food multivitamin supplement called Vitamin Code and elected to add it to his daily routine. Within six weeks, Rich noticed a dramatic improvement in his mood and his energy levels. He became active again and felt younger than he had in years. And what’s more, Rich was no longer suffering from impotence. He credits his new life to his living whole food supplements and continues taking it every day.
If you’re suffering and you’ve tried other treatments, other vitamins, other diets, even prescription medications, only to find that nothing works -- consider finding a living whole food multivitamin supplement that will suit your lifestyle. Try it for two months and take note of any changes in the way you feel, and even in the way you look. You’ll find that, after a few short weeks, you’ll be joining the masses of people singing the praises associated with adding a living whole food vitamin supplement to their daily routine.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Get the Skinny on Whole Food
You’ve likely heard about the benefits of living vitamins, whole food supplementation, and organic eating. However, many people have no idea as to why living the whole foods lifestyle is vastly superior to its counterpart. Let's take a look at some of the reasons whole food supplements, and the organic lifestyle in general, will provide you with advanced health and vitality.
First of all, standard vitamins (isolates) are inferior to whole food vitamins because they are merely designed to mimic individual nutrients found in nature. For example, let's assume you're eating an apple; apples contain a wide variety of vitamins and minerals that exist in nature and will work together to benefit your body in a variety of ways. However, when you purchase a traditional vitamin supplement, you typically only receive one portion of the nutrient bundle found in the apple. Even if you purchase a top of the line multi-vitamin, the combination of nutrients found therein will in no way resemble the nutrient bundles found in natural food, and will therefore neglect to provide you with the same nutritious benefits. Whole food vitamins such as Garden of Life or New Chapter are designed to allow your body to reap the health benefits of natural nutrient bundles.
Basically, whole food vitamins are made from actual whole foods, and therefore provide you with the same benefits. Unfortunately, traditional vitamin supplements available at most grocery stores and drugstores across America are man made derivatives that only seek to mimic actual nutrition. Now that you’ve learned a little about whole food supplements, let's move on and take a look at some of the benefits of organic eating.
Organic produce, and other products made from organic foods, do not contain any of the pesticides, growth hormones, and other man-made chemicals that are designed to improve the appearance and marketability of our food. For example, when you go to the grocery store you will find that most of the produce shiny, and brightly colored, and the overall visually appealing. However, most of the time these foods have been infused with waxes and dyes and a host of other chemicals that are designed to add to the product’s shelf life and aesthetics. None of the chemicals used in these processes benefit the human body in any way. In fact, most of them are carcinogenic materials that promote the development of cancer and other diseased cells.
Let's face facts, we take vitamins and eat food to maintain healthy bodily function. It stands to reason that the vitamins and nutrients we ingest should be as close to natural as possible. Unfortunately live in the material age, wherein instant gratification and profitability are more important than natural process. Your body is not ‘man made’ and your nutrition shouldn’t be ‘man made’ either. If your desire is to maintain optimal, overall health, the wisest choice you can make is to let nature take its course.