Wednesday, November 11, 2009

4 Best Garden of Life Products Under $30

Good health doesn't have to be expensive … even if fruits and vegetables are becoming more of a luxury item with every new economic pressure. There are still some very cost-effective, safe and natural ways to get your daily dose! Garden of Life holds quite a few of the top sellers under $30 -- today we are looking at their whole food supplements best for those on a middling to low budget.

Some cancer researchers are increasingly pointing towards long term candida infestation as a cause of cancer. Whether this turns out to be the case or not, candida infestation in the gut certainly means that you can't optimally digest nutrients from your food, and might experience bloating, nausea, and any of a dozen more low-level symptoms. 84 caplets is only $23.47!

The acid-alkaline balance in our body has come under similar scrutiny recently for its ability to either promote disease or health. Alkaline environments are said to discourage cancer, heart disease, and normal aging and oxidative stress. The product helps relieve heartburn as well as giving you important enzymes. 360g of powder is only $21.57.

Do you eat between two and four serves of FRESH FRUIT (not tomato sauce, and not even dried sultanas) per day? If you don’t, Fruits of Life can help you boost your antioxidant intake with the goodness of whole food supplements freeze dried ingredients. It actually tastes good too! 150 grams of powder is only $27.57.

Unlike the name suggests (to those with a quirky sense of humor!), the product doesn’t cause inflammation, but helps cure it. Inflammation has been linked to depression, Parkinson's and heart disease, as well as traditionally, rheumatoid arthritis. The blend contains chicken collagen, turmeric and bromelain, and also support antioxidant function in the body. 90 caplets are $27.57

1 comment:

Bevan said...

Whole food supplements manufactured from whole food sources will contain not only the natural form of vitamins and minerals but also all of the important phytochemicals and phytonutrients important to restoration of nutritional health and prevention of disease derived from whole food concentrates.