There’s a lot more interest these days in the benefits of a Detox Diet to regain the vibrant health that is lost through the ingestion of so many chemicals in our food these days. This is something that could be valuable when you find yourself feeling drained all the time, unable to concentrate, when your hair has lost its shine, your eyes their sparkle.
While there are many approaches to Detox Diets, they all aim to lessen the “body burden” that makes us more vulnerable to illness and decreased well-being through these three elements: Increase in the consumption of foods that cleanse the system; minimize the food “pollution” (i.e., artificial chemicals) by sticking to organic, whole foods; and eat more high fiber foods and water that draw out and eliminate toxins by increasing the frequency of bowel movements and urination.
You can get a lot of help from whole foods vitamins shops and their health newsletter for figuring out what to eat. Here is a list that will get you started. Vegetables: Eat your veggies! Make them fresh, and especially go for the cruciferous vegetables (high in anti-oxidants) such asbroccoli and cauliflower, as well as broccoli sprouts, onions, garlic, artichokes, beets, red and green vegetables. You can make beautiful, colorful salads that are good as good for the eye as they are for you!
Rice & Grains: Enjoy all forms of rice, including rice cakes, rice crackers and rice pasta, and especially whole-grain brown rice. Many North Americans are discovering the taste and value of the more exotic grains such as quinoa and amaranth, which can be eaten hot or cold. Don’t forget the old-fashioned ones as well, e.g., millet, and buckwheat. You’ll find all these at most health food store or in some grocery stores.
Beans: If you have problems with gas from legumes, start with the split yellow and green peas and lentils as they are easiest to digest, and have the added benefit of requiring the least soaking time. You can also use kidney beans, pinto beans, mung beans, garbanzo beans (chickpeas) and adzuki beans. Again, you can use these hot or cold. A sprinkling of beans in a soup or salad is a great touch of fiber, protein, color, and texture!
Nuts and Seeds: The virtues of these are not as appreciated as they should be! Eat them unsalted as a snack, or in salads. Try flaxseed, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, almonds, cashews and walnuts. While some nut butters are permitted, peanut butter and peanuts themselves are not included in this diet.
Oil & Condiments: If you are not already using extra-virgin olive oil for its taste and nutrition, this is the time to make it a habit for cooking and salad dressings. For more flavor (with very few if any calories!) you can add vegetable salt, sea salt, vinegar, soy sauce or tamari, as well as aromatic herbs or spices.
Many people choose to supplement their cleansing diet with organic products (e.g., DetoxiFiber). Here’s to the new, vibrant you!