Saturday, March 20, 2010

What is Good Health?

Certainly you can’t turn on the evening news without hearing something about the debate on health care reform. It is top priority in Washington these days but I often wonder if they aren’t taking the wrong approach. As a nation we need to be trying to get ourselves to that perfect weight America that is the foundation of a healthier population which will then reduce illnesses that are directly related to obesity and poor diets.

We can’t expect to fix the financial problems with health care if we don’t fix what is causing people to have to spend so much on health care; that is, we need to get people healthier. That can be achieved by educating people on proper diet, the importance of adding whole food supplements to that diet, getting proper exercise, and changing the way people look at food.

Food has been used as a crutch for far too long. People are driven by four basic needs; food, water, sex, and money. The problem is most people can’t control many aspects of their lives but they can control their food intake. So when they aren’t getting enough of the other things that drive them, they turn to the one thing they can control and that’s food. Weight loss diets don’t work because people look at food as a reward or for comfort. When they are denied the foods they enjoy they give up on the diet. We need to teach people that moderation is the key to weight loss and a healthier body.

I believe it’s vitally important that people understand about how food functions once it’s consumed. These are the things we need to be teaching those who are looking for a healthier life style. We need to show them how adding things such as dietary supplements and drinking more water can make a world of difference in how they feel. Health care reform needs to start with getting people healthy.

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