Monday, April 26, 2010
How Healthy is Your Grocery Cart?
Top Food Tips for Great Health!
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Heart Health for Chicks!

- Age
- Family predisposition
- Smoking cigarettes
- Having high blood pressure
- Not doing enough exercise
- Having diabetes
- Being overweight
- Having metabolic syndrome
- A waist measurement of 35 inches or more
- Being under overwhelming, or long-term, low level stress.
- Fullness, discomfort, or tightness in the chest
- Being short of breath
- Pain in the upper abdomen
- Feeling a fluttering in your chest, or a pounding sensation
- Nausea and digestive upsets like vomiting
- Sweating heavily for no reason
- Being very weak and dizzy
Are You Sabotaging Your Sleep?

- Set a schedule - stick to it!
It's actually really hard to go to bed earlier than you are used to, and when you get to bed later than normal, you often find that you can't sleep in to make up for it. Create a sleep schedule that you can stick to as closely as possible. - DON'T bring books to bed
This one sounds counter-intuitive. For many of us, reading is the only way we can get to sleep. However, when you don't have a book handy or you're travelling, this will increase insomnia. - Upgrade your mattress
Going from a $1000 mattress to a $2000 mattress might not make a difference to your sleep … apart from keeping you awake at night thinking about your credit card statement! However, if you're sleeping on a decades-old mattress, one that is exceptionally worn or exceptionally cheap, the discomfort could be seriously harming your sleep. - LED lights
The glare of LED lights can actually be a sleep destroyer for many of us, that even New Chapter Tranquilnite and organic vitamins can't fix! If you have an extra bright alarm clock, a night light, a VCR or stereo that stays on all night, start switching off at the wall. - Late exercise
It's important to get exercise. But if you exercise late at night you’re making a health trade-off … not a health improvement. The chemicals that your body creates when exercising are NOT conducive to sleep! Go to sleep earlier, then exercise in the early morning instead of late at night. - Don't persist too long
If you have followed all the checklists for good sleep and still just can't nod off, don't stay in bed. You'll just frustrate yourself. Hop up and balance a checkbook, read by a lamp or play Sudoku.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Your Tongue and Your Health!

The Nutritionist's Take on: Depression
It has only been comparatively recently that depression has begun to be accepted as a 'real' disease … and in some circles it hasn't even come that far. So it is unsurprising that there is little information available about the link between nutrition and depression. Treatments to date have focused almost exclusively on cognitive behavior therapy or on drugs affecting neurotransmitters. Both of these treatments have their places, but will be less effective if not supported by proper nutrition. Additionally, researchers are finding that depression can be prevented from developing, or from worsening, by maintaining a healthy diet with organic whole food vitamins. Today we look at the nutritionist's take on depression.

- Avoid caffeine: You'll first feel wound up and nervous, and then the crash will give you headaches and create a loss of focus. Wean yourself off coffee with tea, then switch to water.
- Never skip a meal: The blood sugar crashes that this creates also affect your other hormones. And, as women especially know, hormones have an enormous role in creating your moods.
- Cut out alcohol: Especially if you're also undergoing cognitive behavior therapy. Alcohol completely changes your 'cognition' - this is not something we generally have control over. If you are trying to be positive, alcohol usually doesn’t help.
- Fruits and veg, or whole food multivitamins: These have all the nutrients that your body needs to create the levels of neurotransmitters and hormones you need to feel good.
If antidepressant medication is recommended (though it usually is only for cases of moderate to severe depression), it often becomes difficult to maintain a good nutritional regime … and the lack of vital nutrients and swings in blood sugar will then counteract some of the benefits of the medicine. If you do need to take antidepressants and find them affecting your appetite, you should also take whole food multivitamins to help make sure your body has bioavailable nutrients.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
The Nutritionist's Take on Menopause
5 Tips for Better Digestive Health
- Go pro!
As long as you buy a reputable brand of probiotic dietary supplements, which contains a wide variety of different probiotic strains, there is little that science has to say about probiotics that could be construed as negative. It seems that it isn’t just your body you need to look after, but the little critters living inside it also! - Look at your lactose
It is estimated that around 80% of people over the age of 2 (yes, 24 months) are intolerant of dairy foods to some degree. This is more prevalent in people of African descent, of whom almost 100% are dairy intolerant. That means watch your cheese, yogurt and cream as well as your milk. - Watch your solids
Fried foods and your gut don't mix. Fats are very difficult to break down and digest; there isn’t anything wrong with giving your body a workout every so often, but eat too many fried foods and you could be in for some serious gut problems, like IBS. - Watch your liquids
Water is the only drink our body is designed to have on a regular basis. Unfortunately, most of us drink far more coffee, tea and alcohol than we do water. Keep a water bottle next to you at your desk, and in a handy spot at home so you can sip as you need to … and you won’t quench that thirst with a less healthy liquid. - Check your meds
The most common group of side effects in medications are gastro-intestinal ones. If you constantly feel nauseous, often get diarrhea or constipation, or always get heartburn, check those little pamphlets that come with your medication. Probiotic dietary supplements have a hard time overcoming the effects of many ordinary medicines.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
The Five Best Foods for a Detox Diet
There’s a lot more interest these days in the benefits of a Detox Diet to regain the vibrant health that is lost through the ingestion of so many chemicals in our food these days. This is something that could be valuable when you find yourself feeling drained all the time, unable to concentrate, when your hair has lost its shine, your eyes their sparkle.
Whole Foods Can Be a Whole Lot of Fun
I met a most fascinating man on a business trip this month, and I can’t stop thinking about him. (No, it is not what you think!) During our cross-country flight, I happened to ask what he did for fun.
“I cook! In fact, that is one of our favorite activities as a couple. We love trying out new recipes. On weekends, we love going to the farmer’s market together, picking out the best-looking produce, doing the grocery shopping. Then later we put on some music, pour some wine, and start cooking. Then we light the candles, sit down, and enjoy something special together! It’s a high point of the week for us both!”
His face lit up as he talked about the joys of mushrooms, tomatoes, and leeks, of soups, salads and risottos, pestos and bruschettas, and the pleasure of sharing it with someone special. We both discovered that we have a passion for cookbooks—especially those with lots of great photos to inspire us to cook.
I loved hearing this guy talk about knives and pans and mandolins the way some guys talk about football or cars. It reminded me that it’s best not to stereotype or prejudge. People of all kinds who care about what they put in their bodies take the time to learn to cook and do it well. And it isn’t just about nutrition. It's about digestive health, too.
There’s something really great about taking the “long-cut” when you can in the kitchen. Have you noticed how a person can get excited about their culinary adventures? How about the pride in serving a steaming homemade clam chowder with a thick crusty slice of homemade bread? Or a crispy medley of greens tossed with other colorful vegetables, and maybe a sprinkle of pumpkin seeds? And the satisfaction from offering it to family and friends, whose gratitude is really the best dessert?
If you are at all like me, it can be all too easy to fall into a routine and start thinking of cooking as a chore. So talking to this fellow reminded me that if you add some spice, fixing food from scratch can be a meaningful part of the day. Furthermore, as we both agreed, we like using whole foods because we know that they offer us more nutrition, including those valuable micro-nutrients.
Of course it’s not always possible, and that is when I rely on whole food supplements and organic vitamins. As one wise person said, if you were given a car at age 18 and told it would be the only car you would ever have, how would you care for it? Would we do any less with our bodies? And why not make it fun?!
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Making up for Stress
So many of us live with high levels of stress, and being under constant stress is very hard on our bodies and is a contributor to many health issues. The more stress you have the more likely you are to suffer weight gain, insomnia, migraines, and heart related illnesses. If you are one of the thousands of people who have very stressful lives you might want to consider adding dietary supplements to your diet to help battle the effects of all that stress.
After extended quantities of stress you may begin to feel the effects; it generally shows up in your sleep patterns first. You may find it difficult to fall asleep. Once you start losing sleep other systems of your body begin to get affected, such as your immune system and digestive health system. When your body gets weak from lack of sleep it has to work harder to battle infections. It can’t always keep up with the demands and you become prone to easily avoided illnesses such as colds and flu.
Adding things like whole food supplements is an excellent way to avoid getting sick while under tremendous stress. It’s also highly recommended that you get some sort of exercise daily which is a good way to help relieve the stress in your life. Exercise tends to help you sleep better and if you can keep yourself from falling into an insomnia pattern, the risks of getting sick lessens.
It’s very hard to avoid the stress we deal with in our daily lives but there are plenty of ways to avoid the effects of stress. A healthy diet, plenty of exercise, proper sleep, and adding herbal supplements as needed to give you an extra boost, will help you stay healthy during your very stressful times.
What is Good Health?
Certainly you can’t turn on the evening news without hearing something about the debate on health care reform. It is top priority in Washington these days but I often wonder if they aren’t taking the wrong approach. As a nation we need to be trying to get ourselves to that perfect weight America that is the foundation of a healthier population which will then reduce illnesses that are directly related to obesity and poor diets.
We can’t expect to fix the financial problems with health care if we don’t fix what is causing people to have to spend so much on health care; that is, we need to get people healthier. That can be achieved by educating people on proper diet, the importance of adding whole food supplements to that diet, getting proper exercise, and changing the way people look at food.
Food has been used as a crutch for far too long. People are driven by four basic needs; food, water, sex, and money. The problem is most people can’t control many aspects of their lives but they can control their food intake. So when they aren’t getting enough of the other things that drive them, they turn to the one thing they can control and that’s food. Weight loss diets don’t work because people look at food as a reward or for comfort. When they are denied the foods they enjoy they give up on the diet. We need to teach people that moderation is the key to weight loss and a healthier body.
I believe it’s vitally important that people understand about how food functions once it’s consumed. These are the things we need to be teaching those who are looking for a healthier life style. We need to show them how adding things such as dietary supplements and drinking more water can make a world of difference in how they feel. Health care reform needs to start with getting people healthy.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Can’t run without Fuel
You wouldn’t expect your car to run well if you didn’t put the right kind of fuel in it and you shouldn’t expect your body to run well if you don’t put the right kind of fuel in it either. Our bodies are made up of millions of cells that carry the fuel from our food to the different organs of our bodies. These cells have to be nourished properly by eating the perfect foodcombinations. This doesn’t mean you can only eat these types of foods; it just means you need to include these types of foods into your diet.
Understanding how each of the systems of the body functions and what kind of fuel they need to function correctly is the most essential part of a healthy diet and healthy lifestyle. As a nutrition expert for over thirty years I have written countless articles praising the effects of whole food supplements and proper diet. It is never too late to change a bad eating or unhealthy lifestyle for a healthier more fulfilling lifestyle. The first step is often the hardest and that’s changing your attitude and thoughts about the foods you eat.
I enjoy rich, high cholesterol, fatty foods as much as the next person and I don’t always turn them down. I have found that I can have good health and still enjoy some of the bad foods in life as long as I take that in moderation. When you mention weight loss and diet to people they automatically think of having to eat tasteless meals and never getting any sweets. Food should be enjoyed; just not over enjoyed.
When you become disciplined in your eating habits and get into a good exercise routine you will notice a marked change in many different aspects of your life. Adding whole food vitamins to your routine adds even more benefits to your healthy lifestyle. You will likely see a change in your weight, energy level, the texture of your skin and hair, your sex life will improve, and you should notice that you are sleeping better. There are so many benefits to leading a healthy lifestyle.
Changing Lifestyle to Improve Life
There has to be a conscious decision to make lifestyle changes to improve the quality and quantity of your life. If you aren’t getting enough sleep, eating the right foods, or getting enough exercise, your body will turn on you and essentially send out warnings that you need to make changes in your lifestyle. This is what happened to me and made me make drastic changes and to move into what I call my garden of life.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Your Body the Machine
Our bodies are designed to run like a fine-tuned machine. When that machine isn’t properly cared for it doesn’t run smoothly and often times will break down. Putting products into the machine that aren’t designed for maximum performance limits your body as to what it can do. But when you put in the perfect combination of products that are designed to be utilized in the most optimum way, your body performs amazingly. I realized this and found that by simply changing my diet and subscribing to a nutrition newsletter I began feeling much better.
For Better Health
Several years ago I made a commitment to myself to eat better and get more exercise. I also decided I should start taking vitamins and minerals to help my body to function better. As I researched for the best types of supplements I came across whole food vitamins which caught my eye. I decided this was about as natural as vitamins come and decided to give them a try. It was possibly one of the best decisions I made to maintain a healthier lifestyle.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
5 Unusual and Effective Natural Health Products

5 Things You Didn't Know You Could Buy Organic

Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Three FAQs About Organic Vitamins
- Pesticides
- Synthetic fertilizers
- Sewage sludge
- Genetically modified organisms
- Ionizing radiation
- Antibiotics
- Growth hormones.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Symptoms of Candidiasis

Is Your Water Sabotaging Your Health Regime?

Tuesday, February 9, 2010
7 Groups at Increased Risk of Bone Diseases … and What to Do About It

- Athletes
Crazy, isn’t it … we are told that exercise is needed for peak bone mass, and yet athletes are at increased risk of osteoporosis! Before you throw your gym shoes in the corner in disgust at medical science's ineptitude, read on. It is only when people undertake elite level competition, during the main bone formation years up to 25 that they are at increased risk. When female athletes stop menstruating, that is a strong signal they are at risk of early osteoporosis. Organic vitamins can help. - Breast cancer survivors
Chemotherapy often destroys the ovaries' ability to produce and release eggs, and the resulting hormonal changes are a great danger to the health of breast cancer survivor's bones. - Early onset menopause
Every post-menopausal woman is at increased risk of osteoporosis, and needs to take special care of her bones, usually with gentle weight bearing exercise and whole food multivitamins. Early menopausal women may still be working, carrying children around, etc, and are at risk of fractures. - Eating disorders
When adolescents develop eating disorders, they have severely impacted peak bone mass, due to the malnutrition. - Elderly women
The combined action of menopause's hormonal changes, lack of ability to exercise and lowered appetite make elderly women prime candidates for osteoporosis. - Corticosteriod therapy patients
It is a well know n side effect of medications for asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, and some skin conditions that bone density loss can occur. - Over and Underactive thyroid
If you have an over or underactive thyroid, in addition to whole food multivitamins for glandular support, you should be taking a bone strength formulation.
Whole Food Multivitamins for Bone Health

Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Life Worth Living
The day I turned 40 years old I was 25 pounds overweight, lethargic, and seldom did any type of real exercise. At 40 I felt like a 60-year-old and to be honest, I looked the part as well. I took a good look in the mirror and decided to give myself the best birthday present ever; a new lease on life. I threw out all the junk that made me the fat, unhealthy person I was, and began taking dietary supplements, eating the right foods, and exercising. This was a decision that saved my life.
Whole Food Supplements
We are told that we need to take vitamins and supplements in order to ensure the body gets the nutrients that it needs. Even though this is true, many of us are not sure what kind to take or what are the differences between vitamins and whole food supplements. It works like this: The body works better when digesting whole foods. For example, we know that oranges contain vitamin C and then think that taking an isolated vitamin C tablet is the same as eating an orange. This is not true; we also need the other micronutrients that are contained in the orange. All of these micronutrients and vitamins that are in fruits and vegetables work together in the body to help maintain optimal health. This is where taking a whole food supplement is better then taking an isolated vitamin.
Whole food vitamins are very different from the synthetic isolated vitamins that are sold at the local pharmacy. Whole food supplements are concentrates of real whole foods. These foods are dried and turned into powder form and then encapsulated into pill form. The supplement now contains the micronutrients that are found in whole foods unlike an isolated synthetic vitamin.
There are more than 25,000 different micronutrients that have been identified so far in vegetables and fruits. For this reason, it is very hard for one to consume the number of nutrients that are needed for the body to maintain optimal health every day. That is why it is important to take whole food vitamins such as Garden of Life supplements, since we do not get enough whole foods in our daily diet. Synthetic vitamins cannot provide these micronutrients as a quality whole food supplement can.
There are some companies that only make organic whole food supplements. Organic whole food vitamins are made from foods that are grown organically. That means that they are grown without pesticides or chemicals. With many now becoming more aware of the benefits of eating organic fruits and vegetables, there are also the option to take organic vitamins and supplements. Some companies are even making 100% vegan vitamins. One such company is called Vitamin Code.
Since whole food vitamins are made from whole foods, the body can absorb and digest them more efficiently. This also means that many can take them on an empty stomach with no irritation to the digestive track. The many benefits of taking whole food supplements outweigh synthetic vitamins by far.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Top 5 Complexes and Supplements for Women's Health

Living a Healthier Life
Last year I became aware of the need to live a healthier life. I decided to change all my bad habits and replace them with a plan that I call mygarden of life. I went through my pantry and refrigerator and threw away all the food items that were not healthy and replaced them with foods that help my body function more efficiently. I began keeping a diary of all the things I wanted to change such as my weight, sleeping habits, and mental abilities such as my memory. Over the last year I have seen major changes in all these things.
I recognized that I needed to make these changes in my life. My garden of life plan has benefited me in so many ways and I highly recommend that if you are feeling run down and unable to fully participate in life, that you make these same type of changes in your life. You will have a longer and more satisfying life if you do.
Vitamins and Supplements for Optimal Nutrition
The majorities of us lead very busy lives and do not have time to eat healthy. We know that we do not always make the right food choices on a daily basis. Breakfast can be a cup of coffee and maybe a doughnut -- or even worse, fast food -- as we run out the door. Taking a multivitamin can help one to get the vitamins and minerals that our bodies need to stay healthy.
With all the different vitamins on the market it can be confusing choosing the right one. Each one of use has different needs to help our bodies maintain optimal health. Looking at age, sex and nutritional needs will generally help one to decide on which vitamin to buy.
Have you considered organic vitamins? These vitamins are made from ingredients that do not contain chemicals, artificial coloring and flavors. With many of us trying to lead a healthier lifestyle these are a great choice and is a great first step.
There is also a lot of confusion on what whole food vitamins are. These are vitamins that are made only from natural sources. This means that the vitamins and minerals are not made from man-made materials. The ingredients come from plants, vegetables and fruits. They also do not contain any artificial ingredients like the organic vitamins.
Vitamins and multivitamins are not the same. A vitamin is considered to be an isolated vitamin where there are no other vitamins that are mixed in. A multivitamin is a mixture of vitamins and minerals.
Vitamins that are made for women usually contain more iron and calcium, while vitamins that are made for men may contain things to promote prostate health. Children also have special nutritional needs when it comes to taking a multivitamin.
As science finds out more on how taking certain supplements can help our bodies to achieve optimal health, it is important to be informed on the many different types. For some of us a whole food vitamin is just what we need, while others may need to take organic vitamins. Either way, taking vitamins and supplements can help the body to stay healthy when faced with a busy lifestyle.